IBM Books

Using and Configuring Features Version 3.4

Configuring and Monitoring the Voice Feature

This chapter describes how to use the voice configuration and monitoring commands. It includes the following sections:

Accessing the Voice Feature Commands

Use the following procedure to access the voice feature configuration process.

  1. At the OPCON prompt, enter talk 6. (For more detail on this command, refer to The OPCON Process and Commands in the Access Integration Services Software User's Guide.) For example:
        * talk 6

    After you enter the talk 6 command, the CONFIG prompt (Config>) displays on the command line. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter configuration, press Return again.

  2. At the CONFIG prompt, enter the feat voice command to get to the Voice Config> prompt.

Voice Feature Commands

This section describes the voice feature parameters, and the commands used to configure them.

Table 65. Voice Feature Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds a telco-output rule. 
 Delete   Deletes a telco-output rule. 
 List   Lists the timers and tones that apply to all voice interfaces and the telco-output rules. 
 Modify   Updates a telco-output rule. 
 Set   Sets the timers and tones that apply to all voice interfaces. 
 VoFR   Accesses the Voice over Frame Relay configuration commands. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the add command to add a telco-output rule. Once the telco-output rule is added, it can be applied to a voice interface using the set telco-output-rule configuration command under the Voice Net.



Specifies the sequence of dial digits to be sent out the telco interface when it is the destination of a call. The sequence is specified as a combination of the destination and source number dial digits passed during the call setup, constants, and pause characters.
Note:The telco output rule is analogous to the IBM 9783's Destination Output Rule for a voice interface.


Voice config>add telco
Define Telco Output Rule #1
Digit  1 : (Source/Destination/Constant/Pause/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [1]?
Digit  2 : (Source/Destination/Constant/Pause/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [2]?
Digit  3 : (Source/Destination/Constant/Pause/End) [Destination]? e
Voice Config>a t 
Define Telco Output Rule #2
Digit  1 : (Source/Destination/Constant/Pause/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [1]?
Digit  2 : (Source/Destination/Constant/Pause/End) [Destination]? s
           (1-20) [2]?
Digit  3 : (Source/Destination/Constant/Pause/End) [Destination]? c
           (0-9, A-D, *, #) [0]? a
Digit  4 : (Source/Destination/Constant/Pause/End) [Destination]? p
Digit  5 : (Source/Destination/Constant/Pause/End) [Destination]? e        

Digit #
Specifies how the specific dial digit is determined.

Specifies to use the digit from the specified position in the source phone number.

Specifies to use the digit from the specified position in the destination phone number.

Specifies to always use the following constant digit (0-9, A--D, #, *) in the specified position.

Specifies to insert a pause interval at this point in the dial digit sequence.

Specifies the end of the digit sequence.


Use the delete command to delete a telco-output-rule.



For an explanation of the telco-output rule, see Add.


Use the list command to display the timers and tones that apply to all voice interfaces, and the telco-output rules.


telco-output-rule ...

Lists the specified telco output rule. If a rule number is not specified, the Rule # prompt is displayed.

Lists all the delays and timeouts (in ms). See page *** for a description of the parameters.


Voice config>list timers
Seize Detect Delay    :50   ms   First Digit Timeout     :10000 ms
Answer Detect Delay   :10   ms   Inter Digit Timeout     :5000  ms
Discon Detect Delay   :200  ms   Start Dial Delay        :500   ms
Glare Detect Delay    :500  ms   Ring No Answer Timeout  :30000 ms
Wink Detect Timeout   :2000 ms   Ring on Detect Timeout  :400   ms
Wink Start Delay      :50   ms   Ring Off Detect Timeout :6000  ms
Wink Duration         :200  ms   Warble Timeout          :10000 ms

Lists all the tones associated with this voice feature. See page *** for a description of the parameters.


Voice config>list tones
Tone         On1    Off1    On2   Off2   Freq1 Freq2   Level1 Level2 
             ms     ms      ms    ms     Hz    Hz      dB     dB  
Dial         0      0       0     0      350   440     -16    -16 
Ring Back    2000   4000    2000  4000   440   480     -22    -22 
Busy         500    500     500   500    480   620     -20    -20 
Fast Busy    300    300     300   300    480   620     -16    -16
Warble       100    100     100   100    1400  2060    -16    -16
Dtmf         100    100                                -7     -7


Use the modify command to update telco-output rules for the voice feature.



For an explanation of the telco-output-rule, see Add.


Use the set command to specify the various delay and timeout values.


timer . . .
tone . . .

Use the set timer command to set the following timer parameters.

Specifies the time (in ms) before an answer signal is recognized.

Valid Values: 0 to 500 ms

Default Value: 10 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) before a disconnect signal is recognized.

Valid Values: 0 to 500 ms

Default Value: 200 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) during which the first digit must be received.

Valid Values: 0 to 10 000 ms

Default Value: 10 000 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) before an interface can seize a channel.

Valid Values: 0 to 500 ms

Default Value: 500 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) during which a digit must be received after the first digit is received.

Valid Values: 0 to 10 000 ms

Default Value: 5000 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) that a voice channel rings an FXO interface while waiting for an answer before abandoning the call.

Valid Values: 0 to 64 000 ms

Default Value: 30 000 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) of an absence of ringing at an FXO interface before the server determines that the ringing has stopped.

Valid Values: 0 to 64 000 ms

Default Value: 6000 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) of the presence of ringing at an FXO interface before the ringing is recognized.

Valid Values: 0 to 64 000 ms

Default Value: 400 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) after receipt of a dial signal but before digits are transmitted.

Valid Values: 0 to 64 000 ms

Default Value: 500 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) before a seize signal is recognized.

Valid Values: 0 to 500 ms

Default Value: 50 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) of silence needed after a disconnect before a warble signal is generated.

Valid Values: 0 to 64 000 ms

Default Value: 10 000 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) after which, if a wink is not received, a call is ended.

Valid Values: 0 to 64 000 ms

Default Value: 2000 ms

Specifies the duration time (in ms) of the wink signal.

Valid Values: 0 to 1000 ms

Default Value: 200 ms

Specifies the time (in ms) after receipt of an incoming seize signal, that a wink signal is generated.

Valid Values: 0 to 64 000 ms

Default Value: 50 ms

Use the set tone command to set the following tone parameters.

Specifies the characteristics of up to two frequencies used to generate the busy signal. When the set tone busy command is entered, you are queried for the following information:

Specifies the time (in ms) that freq1 is "on" (active). If zero is specified, the associated tone is always on resulting in a continuous tone.

Valid Values: 0 to 32 767 ms

Default Value: 500

Specifies the time (in ms) that freq1 is "off" (inactive). If zero is specified, the associated tone is always on resulting in a continuous tone.

Valid Values: 0 to 32 767 ms

Default Value: 500

Specifies the time (in ms) that freq2 is "on" (active). If zero is specified, the associated tone is always on resulting in a continuous tone.

Valid Values: 0 to 32 767 ms

Default Value: 500

Specifies the time (in ms) that freq2 is "off" (inactive). If zero is specified, the associated tone is always on resulting in a continuous tone.

Valid Values: 0 to 32 767 ms

Default Value: 500

Specifies the frequency (in hertz) of the first tone in the busy signal.

Valid Values: 300 to 3000 hertz

Default Value: 480 hertz

Specifies the frequency (in hertz) of the second tone in the busy signal.

Valid Values: 300 to 3000 hertz

Default Value: 620 hertz

Specifies the dB gain level of freq1 in increments of 0.5 dB.

Valid Values: -9 dB to -22 dB

Default Value: -20 dB

Specifies the dB gain level of freq2 in increments of 0.5 dB.

Valid Values: -9 dB to -22 dB

Default Value: -20 dB

Specifies the characteristics of up to two frequencies used to generate a dial tone. When the set tone dial command is entered, you are queried for on1, off1, on2, off2, freq1, freq2, level1, and level2. See page *** for a description of the parameters. See footnote 1 for more information.

Specifies the characteristics of the dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) signal. When the set tone dtmf command is entered you are queried for the following information:

Specifies the "on time" (in ms) of the DTMF. If zero is specified, no DTMF signal is generated. Normally you should not specify an ontime of less than 40 ms. This results in a signal with 12.5 tones/second.

Valid Values: 0 to 32767 ms

Default Value: 100 ms

Specifies the "off time" (in ms) of the DTMF. If zero is specified, no DTMF signal is generated.

Valid Values: 0 to 32767 ms

Default Value: 100 ms

level low tone
Specifies the dB gain level of the low DTMF signal in increments of 0.5 dB.

Valid Values: -7 dB to -31 dB

Default Value: -7 dB

level high tone
Specifies the dB gain level of the high DTMF signal in increments of 0.5 dB.

Valid Values: -7 dB to -31 dB

Default Value: -7 dB

fast busy
Specifies the characteristics of up to two frequencies used to generate the fast busy signal. When the set tone fast busy command, is entered you are queried for on1, off1, on2, off2, freq1, freq2, level1, and level2. See page *** for a description of the parameters. See footnote 1 for more information.

Specifies the characteristics of up to two frequencies used to generate a ring-back. When the set tone ring-back command is entered, you are queried for on1, off1, on2, off2, freq1, freq2, level1, and level2. See page *** for a description of the parameters. See footnote1 for more information.

Specifies the characteristics of up to two frequencies used to generate a dial tone. When the set tone warble command is entered, you are queried for on1, off1, on2, off2, freq1, freq2, level1, and level2. See page *** for a description of the parameters. See footnote1 for more information.


See "Accessing the Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) Commands" for the details of this command.

Accessing the Voice Interface Commands

Use the following procedure to access the voice interface configuration process.

  1. At the OPCON prompt, enter talk 6. (For more detail on this command, refer to "The OPCON Process and Commands" in the Access Integration Services Software User's Guide.)
  2. For example:
        * talk 6

    After you enter the talk 6 command, the CONFIG prompt (Config>) displays on the command line. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter configuration, press Return again.

  3. At the CONFIG> prompt, enter net x where x is the voice interface number.

Voice Interface Commands

This section describes the voice interface parameters, and the commands used to configure them.

Table 66. Voice Interface Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 List   Lists various voice interface settings. 
 Set   Sets various voice interface parameters. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the list command to display the current settings of a voice interface.



For example, to list the current configuration of the voice interface, enter:


Voice 8 config>list
Local Phone Number:1234567
Telco Output Rule Number: 0
Telco Parameters
Tx Gain   :-4 dB       E&M Type :1
Rx Gain   :-4 dB       E&M Wire :4
OOS Signal:Busy        E&M Start:Immediate
Dsp Parameters
Vocoder Suite :Nuera   VAD Mode      :Off
Vocoder Rate  :9600    VAD Hangover  :255 ms
Frame Packing :1       VAD Threshold :-45 dB
Echo Cancel   :On      Fax   :On
NLP           :On      NSF   :On
2100Hz Detect :On      Max Fax Rate: Vocoder Rate

Node ID
Indicates the IBM 9783 Node ID of the voice interface.

Local Telephone Number
Indicates the local telephone number of the voice interface.

Telco Output Rule
Indicates the current telco output rule being used by the voice interface.

Tx Gain
Indicates current transmit gain in decibels.

Rx Gain
Indicates the current receiver gain in decibels.

OOS Signal
Indicates the type of signal that will be used if the interface should be out of service.

E&M Type
Indicates the type of telco interface being used by the voice interface.

E&M Wire
Indicates if this is a 2-wire or 4-wire voice interface.

E&M Start
Indicates how the voice interface will start its transmission.

Vocoder Suite
Indicates the vocoder suite (either ITU or NUERA) which is currently available on the voice interface.

Vocoder Rate
Indicates the current vocoder rate.

VAD Mode
Indicates the type of VAD used. You can specify fixed, adaptive, or off.

VAD Hangover
Indicates the length of time the input signal level must remain below the VAD threshold value before the link is considered to be silent.

VAD Threshold
Indicates the signal level (in decibels) to be used to determine when a link is silent.

Indicates if Non-Linear Processing is enabled (On) or disabled (Off).

2100Hz Detect
Indicates if 2100Hz detection is enabled (On) or disabled (Off).

Indicates if FAX Relay is enabled (On) or disabled (Off).

Indicates if Non-Standard Facilities is enabled (On) or disabled (Off).

Max Fax Rate
The maximum rate at which the Fax will connect.

See the "Set" command for a description of additional parameters.


Use the set command to specify the setting for a specific voice interface.


type (E&M-only)

The following parameters can be specified on the set command:

Specifies whether or not to enable echo cancellation, nlp, or detect-2100Hz.

Valid Values: on, off, nlp, or detect-2100Hz

Default Value: on


Valid Values: on or off

Default Value: on


Valid Values: on or off

Default Value: on


Voice 8 Config>s e on

Specifies whether or not to enable fax, nsf, and the maximum rate at which fax will connect.

Valid Values: on, off, nsf, or max-rate

Default Value: on

Specifies whether or not to enable nsf.

Valid Values: on or off

Default Value: on

Specifies the max-rate.

Valid Values: Vocoder Rate, 4.8 Kb or 9.6 Kb

Default Value: Vocoder Rate


Voice 8 Config>s fa on

Specifies the number of voice frames that will be packed into a single Frame Relay packet.

Valid Values: 1 to 5

Default Value: 1


Voice 8 Config>s fr
Frame Packing (1 to 5) [1]?

Specifies the local telephone number of the specified voice interface.

Valid Values: any 20-digit (0 to 9, A to D, *,#) number

Default Value: 0


Voice 8 Config>s l
Local Phone Number (1 to 20 digits, range 0-9, A-D, *, #) [0]? 524
Number of leading digits used for local call routing (1 to 3) [3]?

Specifies the Node ID of the interface.

Valid Values: any valid Node ID (IP Address)

Default Value:


Voice 8 Config>s n
Node ID (IP Address) []?

Specifies the type of tone you want to use to indicate that the specified voice interface is out-of-service.

Valid Values: idle or busy

Default Value: busy


Voice 8 Config>s o busy

Specifies the transmission rate of the voice interface.

Valid Values: If you specify Nuera as the suite parameter, you can choose either 4.8 KB, 7.47 KB, 9.6 KB, or 32 KB. If you specify ITU as the suite parameter, you can choose either 8 KB, 16 KB, or 32 KB.

Default Value: 9.6 KB

Specifies the amount that the voice interface attenuates (or amplifies) the receive signal.

Valid Values: -16 dB to +7 dB

Default Value: 0 dB


Voice 8 Config>s rx
Gain (-16 to +7 dB) [0]?

start (E&M-only)
Specifies how the voice interface starts its transmissions.

Valid Values: immediate start or wink start

Default Value: immediate start


Voice 8 Config>s st immediate

Specifies the type of protocol you want the voice interface to use.

Valid Values: NUERA - ECELP/G.726 or ITU - G.729/G728/G.726

Default Value: NUERA


Voice 8 Config>s su I

Specifies which telco output rule to be used.

Valid Values: 0 to 8. The upper limit depends on the number of Telco output rules that have been defined.

Default Value: 0


Voice 8 Config>s te
Telco Output Rule Number (0 to 1) [0]? 1

Specifies the amount that the voice interface attenuates (or amplifies) the transmitted signal.

Valid Values: -16 dB to +7 dB

Default Value: 0 dB


Voice 8 Config>s tx
Gain (-16 to +7 dB) [0]?

type (E&M-only)
Specifies the telco E&M interface type for the specified voice interface.

Valid Values: 1,2, or 5

Default Value: 1


Voice 8 Config>s ty
E&M Type (1,2,5) [1]?

Specifies the following:

Specifies the vad mode.

Valid Values: fixed , adaptive, or off

Default Value: off

Specifies the vad hangover.

Valid Values: 1 to 500 ms

Default Value: 255 ms

Specifies the vad threshold.

Valid Values: -15 to -60 dB

Default Value: -45 dB

wire (E&M-only)
Specifies whether you are using a 2-wire or 4-wire telco connection.

Valid Values: 2-wire (2) or 4-wire telco (4)

Default Value: 4


Voice 8 Config>s w
E&M Wire (2,4) [4]?

Accessing the Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) Commands

Use the following procedure to access the voice over Frame Relay commands.

  1. At the OPCON prompt, enter talk 6. (For more detail on this command, refer to The OPCON Process and Commands in the Access Integration Services Software User's Guide.) For example:
        * talk 6

    After you enter the talk 6 command, the CONFIG prompt (Config>) displays on the command line. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter configuration, press Return again.

  2. At the CONFIG prompt, enter the feat voice to get the voice config> prompt.
  3. At the voice config> prompt, enter VoFR to get to the VoFR config> prompt

Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) Commands

This section describes the Voice over Frame Relay commands and the configurable parameters for the VoFR menu.

Table 67. VoFR Configuration Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds a call-processing-rule, dial-matching-rule, or network-output-rule. 
 Delete   Deletes a network-output-rule, dial-matching-rule, or call-processing-rule. 
 Disable   Disables Voice over Frame Relay on the specified voice network interface. 
 Enable   Enables Voice over Frame Relay on the specified voice network interface. 
 List   Lists fr-net (frame relay net), interfaces, network-output-rule, dial-matching-rule, call-processing-rule, or all list items. 
 Modify   Updates a call-processing-rule, dial-matching-rule, or network-output-rule. 
 Reorder-call-rule   Reorders the call rules. 
 Set   Sets the fr-net (frame relay net). 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


This command adds a network-output-rule, a dial-matching-rule, or a call-processing-rule to the VoFR configuration.



Specifies call-processing rules. For out-going calls, call processing rules are evaluated in ascending order by comparing the dialed digits to the dial digit matching rule associated with each call processing rule. If a match is found, the network output rule and call routing information in the call processing rule are used to process the call. Because a voice interface can accept calls from any destination specified in any of its associated call routing rules, this rule has no effect. Up to eight call processing rules can be defined for each voice interface.

Note:The call processing rule is analogous to the IBM 9783's Translation Rule, which combines a network output rule and a dial matching rule with call routing information (DLCI and subchannel specification in the case of a remote call route, number of destination digits to compare to local numbers in the case of a local call route).


VoFR Config>a c
Voice Net [0]? 8
Define Call Processing Rule #2
Destination Type (Local or Remote) [Remote]?
Call Processing DLCI (16 to 1007) [16]?
Payload         DLCI (16 to 1007) [16]?
Call Processing Subchannel (4 to 254) [4]?
Payload         Subchannel (4 to 254) [4]? 5
Dial Digit Matching Rule Number (0 to 3) [0]? 2
Network Output Rule Number (0 to 3) [0]? 1
VoFR Config>a c
Voice Net [0]? 8
Define Call Processing Rule #3
Destination Type (Local or Remote) [Remote]? l
Dial Digit Matching Rule Number (0 to 3) [0]? 1
Network Output Rule Number (0 to 2) ]0]? 1 

Destination Type
Specifies whether the destination node is on another 2212/IBM 9783 (Remote) or another voice interface on the same 2212 (Local).

Call Processing DLCI
Specifies the DLCI that will be used to set up and then terminate the call.

Payload DLCI
Specifies the DLCI that will be used to send and receive the compressed voice data packets.

Call Processing Subchannel
Specifies the subchannel that will be used to set up and then terminate the call.

Payload Subchannel
Specifies the subchannel that will be used to send and receive the compressed voice data packets.

Dial Digit Matching Rule
Specifies the number of the dial digit matching rule to be used for this call processing rule.

Network Output Rule
Specifies the number of the network output rule to be used for this call processing rule.

Specifies a dial digit pattern-matching sequence in which each element of the sequence specifies the range of acceptable digits at that position.

Note:The dial matching rule is analogous to the IBM 9783's Destination Match Rule.


VoFR Config>a d
Define Dial Digit Matching Rule #3
Dial Mask  1 : Digit String (0-9,A-D,*,#), [W]ildcard, [N]umeric Wildcard,
                                           [M]ultiDigit Wildcard.
               [MultiDigit Wildcard]?
Dial Mask  2 : Digit String (0-9,A-D,*,#), [W]ildcard, [N]umeric Wildcard,
                                           [M]ultiDigit Wildcard, or [E]nd.
Matching Rule contains MultiDigit Wildcard(s).
Minimum number of digits accepted for MultiDigit Wildcard (0,1) [1]?

Dial Mask #
Specifies one of a set of from 1 to 20 dial digit masks. Each mask specifies the acceptable range of the digit at that position in the 20 digit dial sequence.

Digit String
Specifies a set of digits from which the digit must be chosen.

Specifies that the digit must one of the following: 0-9, A-D, #, or *.

Numeric Wildcard
Specifies the digit must be 0-9.

Multidigit Wildcard
Specifies that more than one digit is acceptable at the specified position. If the multidigit wildcard mask is the last one in the dial matching rule, then any digit (0-9, A--D, #, *) may be entered at this point in the sequence. In this case the voice interface continues to collect digits until either 20 digits are entered or the Interdigit Timeout expires without additional digits being entered. If a mask follows the multidigit wildcard, the voice interface continues to collect digits that satisfy the multidigit mask until a digit is entered that satisfies the mask following the multidigit wildcard mask.

Specifies the destination number digits to be passed in the Frame Relay call setup packet. The sequence is specified as a combination of the dialed digits received on the originating telco interface and constants.
Note:The network output rule is analogous to the IBM 9783's Destination Output Rule for a Frame Relay interface.


VoFR Config>a n
Define Network Output Rule #2
Digit  1 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [1]?
Digit  2 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]? e       

Digit #
Specifies how the specific dial digit is determined.

Specifies to use the digit from the specified position in the destination phone number.

Specifies to always use the following constant digit (0-9, A--D, #, *) in the specified position.

Specifies the end of the digit sequence.


This command deletes a network-output-rule, a dial-matching-rule, or a call-processing-rule in the VoFR configuration.



For an explanation of the network-output-rule, dial-matching-rule and the call-processing-rule see "Add".


This command disables Voice over Frame Relay on the specified voice network interface. For new interfaces, VoFR is enabled.


interface interface#


    disable interface 5


This command enables Voice over Frame Relay on the specified voice network interface. For new interfaces, VoFR is enabled.


interface interface#


   enable interface 5


This command can list all the VoFR configuration information, or the fr-net information, interface information, network-output-rule information, dial-matching-rule information, or call-processing-rule information.



Lists the Frame Relay Net information, voice interfaces on which VoFR is enable or disabled, Telco Output Rules, Network Output Rules, Dial Digit Matching Rules, and Call Processing Rules.

call processing rule
Lists call processing rule for the specified voice interface. If a specific interface number is not specified, the Voice Net [0] prompt is displayed enabling you to specify the interface number.


VoFR config>list call 7
Call Processing Rule #1
Call Processing      DLCI         = 16
Payload              DLCI         = 16
Call Processing      Subchannel   = 4
Payload              Subchannel   = 5
Dial Digit Matching  Rule #       = 1
Network Output       Rule #       = 1
Call Processing Rule #2
Call Processing      DLCI          = 16
Payload              DLCI          = 16
Call Processing      Subchannel    = 6
Payload              Subchannel    = 7
Dial Digit Matching  Rule #        = 2
Network Output       Rule #        = 2 

Call processing DLCI
Indicates the call processing DLCI defined for this interface.

Payload DLCI
Indicates the payload DLCI defined for this interface.

Call processing subchannel
Indicates the call processing subchannel defined for this interface.

Payload subchannel
Indicates the payload subchannel defined for this interface.

Dial digit matching rule
Indicates the dial digit matching rule currently being used by this interface.

Network output rule
Indicates the network output rule currently being used by this interface.

dial matching rule
Lists dial digit matching rule for the specified voice interface. If a rule number is not specified, the Rule # prompt is displayed.


Voice config>list dial 
Rule # (0 to 2) or all [all]? 1
Dial Digit Matching Rule #1
Dial Mask  1 : Match Digits = 0123456789
Dial Mask  2 : Match Digits = 0123456789
Dial Mask  3 : Match Digits = 0123456789
Dial Mask  4 : Match Digits = 0123456789

Lists the number for the Frame Relay net over which VoFR packets are to be routed.

Lists whether Voice over Frame Relay has been enabled or disabled for each voice interface, where:


VoFR Config>list interface
Net   VoFR
4     Disabled
5     Disabled
6     Disabled
7     Disabled
8     Enabled
9     Disabled  

Lists the specified network output rule. If a rule number is not specified, the Rule # prompt is displayed.


VoFR Config>l n
Rule # (0 to 1) or all [all]? 1
Destination Number Generation Rule #1
Dial Digit  1 : Digit  1 from Destination Number


This command updates a network-output-rule, a dial-matching-rule, or a call-processing-rule in the VoFR configuration.



For an explanation of the call-processing-rule, dial-matching-rule, and the network-output-rule, see "Add".


VoFR Config>modify call-processing-rule 
Voice Net [0]? 8
Rule # (1 to 2) [1]?
Define Call Processing Rule #1
Destination Type (Local or Remote) [Remote]?
Call Processing DLCI (16 to 1007) [16]?
Payload         DLCI (16 to 1007) [16]?
Call Processing Subchannel (4 to 254) [4]?
Payload         Subchannel (4 to 254) [5]?
Dial Digit Matching Rule Number (0 to 2) [0]? 2 
Network Output Rule Number (0 to 1) [0]? 1


VoFR Config>modify dial-matching-rule
Rule # (1 to 2) [1]?
Define Dial Digit Matching Rule #1
Dial Mask  1 : Digit String (0-9,A-D,*,#), [W]ildcard, [N]umeric Wildcard,
                                           [M]ultiDigit Wildcard.
Dial Mask  2 : Digit String (0-9,A-D,*,#), [W]ildcard, [N]umeric Wildcard,
                                           [M]ultiDigit Wildcard, or [E]nd.
Dial Mask  3 : Digit String (0-9,A-D,*,#), [W]ildcard, [N]umeric Wildcard,
                                           [M]ultiDigit Wildcard, or [E]nd.
Dial Mask  4 : Digit String (0-9,A-D,*,#), [W]ildcard, [N]umeric Wildcard,
                                           [M]ultiDigit Wildcard, or [E]nd.
Dial Mask  5 : Digit String (0-9,A-D,*,#), [W]ildcard, [N]umeric Wildcard,
                                           [M]ultiDigit Wildcard, or [E]nd.


VoFR Config>modify network-output-rule
Rule # (1 to 1) [1]?
Define Network Output Rule #1
Digit  1 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [1]?
Digit  2 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [2]?
Digit  3 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [3]?
Digit  4 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [4]?
Digit  5 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [5]?
Digit  6 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [6]?
Digit  7 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]?
           (1-20) [7]?
Digit  8 : (Destination/Constant/End) [Destination]? e


This command changes the order in which the call processing rules are processed for the voice interface (when VoFR is enabled).



For reorder-call-rule, you will have to provide the voice interface number, and will be prompted if it is not specified when you enter the command.


VoFR Config>r
Voice Net [0]? 8
Current Rule # (1 to 2) [1]?
New Rule # (1 to 2) [1]? 2


This command sets a Frame Relay net for the VoFR configuration.



Use the set fr-net command to specify the number of the Frame Relay net over which VoFR packets are to be routed. Specify any configured net number.


VoFR Config>s f
Frame Relay Net for Voice Traffic [65535]? 2

Accessing the Voice Interface Monitoring Environment

Use the following procedure to access the voice interface monitoring commands.

  1. At the OPCON prompt, enter talk 5. (For more detail on this command, refer to "The OPCON Process and Commands" in the Access Integration Services Software User's Guide.)
  2. For example:
        * talk 5

    After you enter the talk 5 command, the GWCON prompt (+) displays on the command line.

  3. At the + prompt, enter the network n command to get you to the Voice n Console> prompt.


        + network 2
        Voice 2 Console>

Voice Interface Monitoring Commands

This section describes the voice interface monitoring commands.

Table 68. Voice Interface Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Calls   Display various event and message counters associated with the specified voice interface. 
 Status   Display various voice interface settings as well as transmit and receive error information. 
 Trace call   Displays various trace information about a target interface. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the calls command to display call processing messages and event counters.




Voice 1 Console> calls
Event Counters
Seize Detected                5             Digit Detected        4
Seize Applied                 0             Digit Generated       0
Message Counters
Setup Sent                    1             Setup Received        0
Connect Sent                  0             Connect Received      1
Answer Sent                   0             Answer Received       1
Release Sent                  2             Release Received      0
Release Cause Counters
Normal                        1              Response             0
Busy                          1              OOS                  0
Local Bandwidth               0              Incompatible         0
Remote Bandwidth              0 

Event Counters
Indicates the number of events that occur on the telco interface.

Seize Detected
Indicates the number of Seize In events (phone attached to the voice interface goes off--hook).

Seize Applied
Indicates the number of Seize Out events (voice interface itself goes off--hook).

Digit Detected
Indicates the number of dial digits received from the subscriber on the telco interface.

Digit Generated
Indicates the number of dial digits sent to the subscriber on the telco interface.

Message Counters
Indicates the number of call processing messages sent to or received from a voice interface over the Frame Relay circuit. Setup, Connect, and Answer messages flow between the two end nodes when a call is established. The initiator of the call sends a Setup message to the remote end which responds with a Connect message followed by an Answer message if the call is successful. If a call cannot be completed, a Release message is sent by the remote node. Release messages are also sent by each end when a successful call ends normally (both end nodes go on-hook).

Setup Sent
Indicates the number of Setup messages sent.

Connect Sent
Indicates the number of Connect messages sent.

Answer Sent
Indicates the number of Answer messages sent.

Release Sent
Indicates the number of Release messages sent.

Setup Received
Indicates the number of Setup messages received.

Connect Received
Indicates the number of Connect messages received.

Answer Received
Indicates the number of Answer messages received.

Release Received
Indicates the number of Release messages received.

Release Cause Counters
Indicates the causes of the Release message.

Indicates the number of normal hang-ups initiated by the near-end (local) node.

Indicates the number of hang-ups caused by a busy channel.

Local Bandwidth
Indicates the number of hang-ups caused by insufficient local bandwidth.

Remote Bandwidth
Indicates the number of hang-ups caused by insufficient remote bandwidth.

Indicates the number of normal hang-ups initiated by the far-end (remote) node.

Indicates the number of hang-ups caused by the far-end being out-of-service.

Indicates the number of hang-ups caused by incompatibility of the end nodes.


Use the status command to display information about a specific voice interface.




Voice 1 Config> status
Voice Over Frame Relay   :Enabled
Node ID                  :
Absolute interface Address    :01
Vocoder Suite         Nuera           Echo Canceller      Filter
Vocoder Active        ECELP           Fax Demodulation    Idle
Vocoder Rate           9600           Fax Modulation      Idle
Vocoder Packet Size      18           Fax Type            V.27 at 9600 bps
Vocoder Frame Size      120           Fax Last FCF        0
Last Received    Dial Sequence       :8675309
Last Transmitted Dial Sequence       :911
Transmit Packets                 Receive Packets
Total           179              Total       184
Voice           169              Voice       167
CAS               0              CAS          11
DTMF              0              DTMF          0
FAX               0              FAX           0
Lost              0              Lost          0

Voice over Frame Relay
Indicates whether Voice over Frame Relay is enabled or disabled on this interface.

Node ID
Indicates the IBM 9783 Node ID of the voice interface.

Absolute Interface Address
Indicates the 2212 voice interface identifier used for IBM 9783 call accounting. This address is automatically generated by the 2212 software and is unique for each voice interface on a specific 2212.

Vocoder Suite
Indicates the vocoder suite (either ITU or NUERA) which is currently available on the voice interface.

Vocoder Active
Indicates the vocoder that is currently active on the interface.

Vocoder Rate
Indicates the current vocoder rate.

Vocoder Packet Size
Indicates the number of bytes in each vocoder packet. This is the size of the raw compression output and does not include the frame relay header.

Vocoder Frame Size
Indicates the number of PCM samples in each vocoder frame.

Echo Canceller
Indicates the current state of the echo canceller.

FAX Demodulation
Indicates the current FAX demodulation status. The status can be Active or Idle.

FAX Modulation
Indicates the current FAX modulation status. The status can be Active or Idle.

FAX Type
Indicates the type of modulation being used.

Indicates the last demodulated Facsimile Control Field.

Last Received Dial Sequence
Indicates the last dial digit sequence received from the subscriber over the telco interface.

Last Transmitted Dial Sequence
Indicates the last dial digit sequence sent to the subscriber over the telco interface.

Transmit Packets/ Receive Packets
Indicates various information about transmitted and received Frame Relay packets. Transmitted packets are those packets that are generated by the voice interface and sent out over the Frame Relay link. Receive packets are those packets that are received by the voice interface from the Frame Relay link.

Indicates the total number of packets received or transmitted.

Indicates the number of compressed voice packets received or transmitted.

Indicates the number of CAS packets received or transmitted.

Indicates the number of DTMF packets received or transmitted.

Indicates the number of FAX packets received or transmitted.

Indicates either the number of packets sent by the local node but not received by the remote node (transmit packets), or the number of packets sent by the remote node but not received by the local node (receive packets).

Trace Call

Use the trace call command to trace all set up messages or configuration control commands for the target interface. You can view the trace events by using ELS (talk 2).


trace call

Voice Feature Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Voice Feature supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Voice Feature does not support the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Voice Feature supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

Voice Interfaces Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Voice Interfaces support the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Voice Interfaces do not support the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Voice Interfaces support the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command. All Voice Interface parameters can be modified dynamically.


The default values for dial, fast busy, ring-back, and warble are not the same as those used for busy. See dial ***, fast busy ***, ring-back ***, and warble *** for additional information.

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